?> "Climbing to new Heights" - NZPIF Conference :: Manawatu Property Investors' Association

Manawatu Property Investors' Association

027 471 9192


Up coming Events

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"Climbing to new Heights" - NZPIF Conference

Oct 14, 2016 -

  Devon Hotel
390 Devon Street East
New Plymouth 4312

Climbing to new Heights - NZPIF Conference

Friday 14th to Sunday 16th October 2016

The key speakers will challenge you and give that boost to assist you to continue climbing higher.

A mixture of motivation and information, these speakers have careers that have made them influential. Whether your interests are sub-division and development, commercial, or residential these speakers have been there. They know best business and management practices, how to read trends and how to use this knowledge. Change is a constant and we need to be prepared and anticipate the future.

You will also have the opportunity to interact with other property investors of all levels from across New Zealand.

Venue: Devon Hotel - New Plymouth

Early Bird Tickets close 31st March

For more information go to http://www.propertyconference.org.nz