?> MPIA - AGM 2019 & Darren Birch, Homes for People :: Manawatu Property Investors' Association

Manawatu Property Investors' Association

027 471 9192


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

MPIA - AGM 2019 & Darren Birch, Homes for People

Feb 13, 2019 - 7:00 pm for 7:30

  Wednesday 13th February 7.30pm
Palmerston North Bridge Club
Corner Cook and Cuba Streets, Palmerston North
Doors open from 7pm, supper provided. MPIA and other PIA Members Free.
Visitors and non-member Landlords welcome - $20 each at the door.

Monthly Meeting

13th February 2019



Guest Speaker

Darren Birch

Darren and Cheri Birch founded Homes for People to assist people into affordable, quality housing that is warm and dry.

By creating partnerships with a range of commercial and social organisations as well as individuals they are able to build comfortable accommodation within a tight budget

They aim for a residential mix of a balance of home owners, assisted rentals and emergency accommodation.

Their first build of 6 units in Limbrick Street was recently completed. Some units have been sold to recycle capital and some tenanted.

They have recently opened a transitional housing facility in partnership with Housing NZ and Ministry of Social Development and have further projects in hand.

Annual General Meeting 2019

The meeting will commence with our AGM.



Wednesday 13th February 7.30pm

Palmerston North Bridge Club
Corner Cook and Cuba Streets, Palmerston North

Doors open from 7pm, supper provided.
MPIA and other PIA Members Free.
Visitors and non-member Landlords welcome - $20 each at the door.

For more information contact the President:
Pauline Beissel (0274719192)