Manawatu Property Investors' Association

027 471 9192

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MPIA - Steven Goodey - Property Coach

Monthly Meeting

1st June 2022


Guest Speaker

Steven Goodey

CEO - Multi Million Dollar Property Developer, Renovations and Room by Room Specialist, Public Speaker and Educator

Based in Wellington, New Zealand, Steven has served clients for the past 20 years making many small time investors into medium to large sized millionaires.

Steve has been a full-time property investor since 1999 and has at one time completed a property renovation every nine days.

He invests in large scale residential and small to medium commercial investments as well as being involved in many residential apartment developments.

Steve knows that investors need more than ever to be cash flow positive as capital gains are never guaranteed, so he has developed his own sleek, stylish and profit generating Rent by the Room strategy that turns a negatively geared property into a cash making, equity generating machine.

Steve is a master negotiator and one of New Zealand’s predominant property investment speakers and he also runs the popular Facebook page, Steve Goodey – Property Coach.


NZ is operating in Orange Covid-19 framework. Masks should be worn

Palmerston North Bridge Club
Corner Cook and Cuba Streets, Palmerston North

Doors open from 7.15 pm, supper provided.
Visitors and non-member Landlords welcome - $20 each at the door.

For more information contact the President: Pauline Beissel (0274719192)

  Printable flyers (111 kb)

