Manawatu Property Investors' Association

027 471 9192

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MPIA - Tony Alexander - Economics Speaker & Writer

Monthly Meeting

2nd August 2023




Economics Speaker & Writer

Tony Alexander has been working as an economist in New Zealand since 1987 for many multinational companies such as Westpac, Share broking firm and BNZ.


He has always been focused on translating and understanding the developments and trends in the economics world to help people understand in a simple manner.


Tony’s aim is to help Kiwis make better decisions for their businesses, investments, and property purchases.


Come and listen to Tony’s views regarding the latest news in the Economics World!

Wednesday 2nd August 7.30pm

Palmerston North Bridge Club

Corner Cook and Cuba Streets, Palmerston North

Doors open from 7pm, supper provided.

MPIA and other PIA Members Free.

Visitors welcome - $20 each at the door.

For more information contact the President:

Pauline Beissel (0274719192)
